Looking for information about the sneezing subculture and how it originated? Then this sneeze fetish guide from sex educator Niki Davis-Fainbloom will help!
Allergy season can be interesting for those with mucophilia, otherwise known as a sneezing fetish. Despite its parallel to orgasm, mucophilia remains a relatively unknown fetish, defined as sexual arousal related to sneezing.
What Is A Sneeze Fetish?
Although many folks with a sneezing fetish are turned on by their sneezes, what is more common is sexual excitement from hearing or watching others sneeze.
There’s discussion among the sneeze fetish community regarding what the most exciting part of the sneeze is, from its build-up to eventual release. In addition, there’s debate regarding what type of sneezes are the most rousing, from clean and quiet sneezes, to messy, loud sneezes to the teasing false alarms.
Sneezes and Orgasms
A sneeze has two phases. During the initial nasal phase, something irritates the nerves in the nose, such as dust, allergens, or chemicals. The brain then signals the nasal blood vessels to enlarge, and the nasal glands create liquid.
At this point, the person usually realizes they have to sneeze and begins to move their hand towards their nose. It leads to the respiratory phase, where the diaphragm constricts, the eyes close, and the body gets ready to expel air through the nose.
Finally, air explosively exists through the nose and mouth, and the sneeze cycle is complete.
An orgasm follows a similar pattern, from an initial sensitivity building to a threshold, eventually leading to a significant release. During orgasm, the body also has a visible response, including muscle contractions, change in facial expression, and for some, ejaculation.
I had the absolute pleasure of corresponding with Jasmine, a sneeze enthusiast. She shared that
“I like that (sneezing) has some similarities to sex/orgasm; the initial tickle, the buildup, and the oh-so-awaited release. I like the feeling of sneezing; the release feels like a miniature orgasm! I like the pre-sneeze face, the anticipation of the release, and all the different types of sneezes that come from the build-up. I also find that the sneeze face & orgasm faces are really similar. There’s a whole article on Reddit called “sneeze or orgasm” with pictures of people’s faces, and sometimes it’s really hard to tell them apart!”
With the clear parallels between sneezing and orgasm from the build-up to release, it isn’t too hard to see how sneezes can become eroticized.
How Does a Sneeze Fetish Develop?
There’s so little research on fetishes that it’s hard to know precisely how sneeze fantasies develop. As with other fetishes, I would assume there’s a significant learning component, where some folks experience early childhood moments that pair sneezing with arousal.
Perhaps an early crush goes outside without their coat and sneezes on you, or you watch a sexy teacher have a sneezing fit and erotisize their embarrassment.
Jasmine shared that although she’s unsure exactly how her fetish developed, she has been fascinated with sneezing for much of her life. She shares:
“I remember that for a while, I didn’t know why I felt tingly between my legs when I saw people sneeze. I didn’t know what that tingly feeling meant. And I used to google things like “sneeze face” and touch myself; I just knew it felt good. At one point, I must have thought to look up videos of people sneezing on YouTube and must have read something in the comments that led me to do more research and understand more about what my fascination was.”
How Many Sneeze Fetishists Are There?
In 1995, an interest in sneezing began to appear on the early fetish groups online. Just before 2000, it’s estimated there were at least 400 sneezing fetishists online in several distinct chat rooms, groups, and Internet forums.
Today, there’s a Sneeze Fetish Forum with over 3500 members! There are also tons of sneeze WAV files available and numerous Youtube videos featuring all types of sneezes.
Because sneezes aren’t inherently a sexual activity, most sneeze fetishists don’t need to frequent porn sites to satisfy their desire. Although men tend to have a higher frequency of fetishes in general, it appears a sexual sneezing fetish is highly prevalent among women compared to other fetishes.
Jasmine shares:
“Youtube is the best site I have found for sneezing videos. Over the years, I have searched for sneeze fetish porn with both sex and sneezing involved, but with very little success. Youtube has many things (mostly pg), like people having allergy or hay fever attacks, people doing sneezing challenges, unexpected vlogging/gaming sneezes, etc. And then there are the slightly spicier channels where people act out scenarios and make themselves sneeze. Oftentimes these sneeze fetish videos are just audio.
There’s a forum with many erotica stories of different types and conversations. I haven’t been too active on it. There are lots of different facets within the fetish. Specific types of sneezes, what triggers it, the sound of the sneeze, the number of sneezes, the buildup, etc. Some people like the messy ones, while others (like myself) don’t. The list of different traits and interests within the fetish goes on and on…”
How Do You Talk To A Partner About Your Sneezing Fetish?
Regarding how to incorporate the fetish into your sex life, Jasmine explained:
“I would suggest the use of chinkni! It’s an Indian cold remedy- a powder that you sniff, making you sneeze! Maybe a little role play- like someone is in a dusty library, smells a book, it triggers a fit? A trip to the botanic gardens? Hide and seek in a dusty closet where they have to sneeze but have to be quiet? I also like making my partner sneeze with a rolled-up tissue, or vice versa. It’s intimate and fun!”
How you explore your fetish will depend on what excites you about sneezing. Be creative, analyze what your ideal sneezing scenario will include, and get comfortable expressing this to partners. But never make anyone sick!
We still live in a world that has a long way to go in becoming sex-positive. Jasmine shared:
“I have been exploring my fetish with my current partner for the first time, and it’s been great! The only other people I’ve told have been close friends who I trust dearly. But I usually regretted telling them. Not because they weren’t open-minded- they always responded well- but because after telling them, I started over-thinking.
Every time they would sneeze, I would get uncomfortable just knowing they knew, and I wasn’t sure what to do with myself. I would wonder if they were thinking about me getting turned on every time they sneezed. I never knew whether to acknowledge their sneezes with a “bless you” or if that would be weird now. Bleh. Then the shame would kick in.
The intrusive thoughts that said “you’re a freak!” “why do you find this attractive?!” “your friends are lying to you when they say it’s a cute kink! They think you’re a weirdo!” and the list goes on.”
It can be difficult to love and accept unique parts of yourself in a world that often shames less common sexual desires. It can take a lot of personal work to shift your self-talk regarding your fetish and sex lives.
I suggest only sharing your sneeze kink with non-judgemental people, and you’ll find it will become easier to talk about with experience. Through her journey, Jasmine learned that”
“Uniqueness is desirable!!! And confidence is sexy. Own it! Start by telling someone you trust, who you know is open-minded, and take it from there. Baby steps are okay; give yourself time.”
Tess_mess from the sneezes fetish site describes her partner sneezing in a very poetic way.
“He had his arm around me, and I had my head on his shoulder. All of a sudden, I hear him breathlessly go, “Oh god.” I look up at him as he pulls his shirt collar over his nose and mouth. He hitches a few quick breaths and sneezes a loud hiih..hih.. Heeeh-shEEWW.
Sometimes, he makes the “eeww” part at the end super high-pitched because he’s just goofy like that. I had my arm tight around his body, so I felt his stomach rise and fall rapidly with the hitching breaths; it also tightened up, and his body quivered with the force of the sneeze.
I tried to bless him with a soft voice, trying to be cute. He just smiled at me and said, “Thank you, babe.” and gave me a bunch of rapid kisses all over my face. I just about melted. “